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MASEI Tora & Skull Helmet

by Alan
(Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)

Masei Tora Helmet

Masei Tora Helmet

I recently bought a helmet called MASEI online! and the graphics are an angry tiger. It looks gorgeous! very impressive! also, it is a chrome helmet too. Then I contacted the MASEI website and they showed me many new hot helmets. Let me share it with you then and one of their designer's blogs is !! a great guy


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Oct 08, 2015
Review NEW
by: Anonymous

The site that is said is impeccable to purchase the engine cycle extras at a sensible cost. cheap assignment writing service. I have recently checked it and the cost of head protector is a great deal less when contrasted with retail location.

Nov 27, 2009
this looks really nice. love it
by: Anonymous

this looks really nice. love it. i rate it 5 star. are they Snell or only DOT?

Nov 20, 2009
yes great price! the quality is good!
by: Anonymous

yes, a great price online for one modular helmet! fair quality. almost half of the price of similar helmet in store. highly recommended

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