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masei helmet

by John Adams
(Hilo Hawaii)

masei 803 flipup helmet

masei 803 flipup helmet

a great price in ebay and online. the quality is acceptable.. only US75-90 for one flipup helmet.

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Oct 12, 2015
Right now I am doing a project on importance of helmet NEW
by: Anonymous

Right now I am doing a project on importance of helmet when ride a bike for my students of coursework help services uk all I want some real life accident of people who ride bike without wearing helmet and got serious accident if I get some story’s so is it easy for students to understand with examples

Oct 16, 2011
where can i buy the pink Masei helmet??
by: Anonymous

where can i purchase this pink helmet? (not the purple) its no longer on the official Masei website, nor on any of the Facebook groups/ pages. please help!

Oct 16, 2011
where can i buy the pink Masei helmet??
by: Anonymous

where can i purchase this pink helmet? (not the purple) its no longer on the official Masei website, nor on any of the Facebook groups/ pages. please help!

Aug 12, 2010
yes, their facebook for free helmet!
by: Anonymous

a good masei helmet group in facebook.

Aug 10, 2010
you can get that masei 409 helmet in their facebook group
by: Anonymous

you can get that masei 409 helmet in their facebook group. the guy is the sales manager and will get you one at good price. He got me one including shipping for $65.. that is not a DOT helmet. just let you know

Aug 08, 2010
where can i get masei 409 helmet?
by: Anonymous

the skull funny helmet 409.. where can i get that for halloween. it was selling plenty online.. no more now, even in ebay. let me know

Jul 05, 2010
find that purple in masei facebook
by: Anonymous

i got that purple skull helmet last year.. quality is ok. sure, attract a lot of attention on the street! find that purple in masei facebook page.

Jun 28, 2010
purple masei
by: Anonymous (e)

I would like to buy one also, but the purple is very difficult to think on ebay ! who could recommend me a good trader who could help me?

Jun 21, 2010
affordable helmet!
by: Anonymous

i got a masei modular helmet for only US$80. not so bad. worth the price! exactly like those zamp and afx helmets. They are all made in china.

Apr 19, 2010
Masei helmets
by: Anonymous

Did a bit of research on these masei helmets and found that they are made in China by GDR helmet company who also make JDS helmets , you cant buy them in stores coz they are not available anywhere but ebay from hong kong sellers got mine for $1 and paid $34 for shipping to the US so total was $35 great deal but its nowhere as good as any HJC or KBC helmet its still far away wouldent use it for any long distance or race track day but its ok for short trips in the city.

Jan 24, 2010
i finally got this masei helmet online
by: Anonymous

i finally got this masei helmet in eBay! a good try. same as the ones selling in bike store.. but the price is reasonable! including shipping fee only US$90

Nov 28, 2009
$70 fresh helmet with a few AWESOME addons
by: Anonymous

I recently got a Masei helmet off of ebay because my HJC was too small and i didnt want to spend the money on buying a big brand helmet with all the features i really wanted. This thing is incredible, especially for the money spent. I know for a fact it wasnt $70, im thinking it was either 58 or 62 after shipping. So...heres what the helmet has to offer

Modular helmet....flip face for those of you who dont know the lingo
more than adequate airflow from the vents
pop out liner so it can be washed
wide variety of colors and finishes available
DOT approved
sized similar to the big brands, maybe a touch bigger than most but similar. My large HJC is too tight, the Masei is a large and it fits well.

AND THE GREATEST OF ALL it has a built in sunshade that flips up and down by moving a slide on the outside of the helmet about where your lips end on the left side. Its easy to use, looks good, works great, and is safer than a solid tinted visor because in cloudy weather or at night u cant see out of them, with this you work the slide.

To be fair ill give the negative points on the helmet as well, the face is kinda close which is a personal preference. It cuts down visibility the least little bit for looking down...but how often do u look 3 feet in front of the bike while riding. The helmet isnt available at any stores in teh US that i could find so ebay is your best bet, but shipping was quick for me, and since i have the big head i was going to have to order anyways.

For the money i am more than satisfied, all the way to the point of tickled with the purchase. ill try to post a pic before long.

Nov 27, 2009
how much are these masei helmet?
by: Anonymous

how much are these masei helmet? i never see these masei in store yet. look great

Nov 24, 2009
yes, cool helmet! are these masei helmets snell ok?
by: Anonymous

yes, cool helmet! are these masei helmets snell ok? love the skull graphics.

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