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Arai RX7 Corsair motorcycle helmet

by Al

Arai RX 7 Motorcycle Helmet

Arai RX 7 Motorcycle Helmet

I recently bought a New motorcycle helmet and I love it!!
Its brand is ARAI Helmet and it is the RX7 CORSAIR SOLID, model.

Black in colour it looks pretty cool and attractive. The most comfortable thing is that it has an very soft layer inside the helmet shell, and does not hurt at all from inside and we can have a pretty cool view from outside. It scavenges more air to help improve airflow even further.

It has an Enhanced organic shell shape,and a rubber breath guard.I think its the most attractive and great helmet that I have ever owned.It could be more improved if its finish was made more glossy. Just personal preference though. Exact Model is Arai RX7 Corsair - Black Frost

Oh and The best thing I like about it is it has an Relaxed round-oval fit; for me its the best!

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Nov 06, 2015
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by: Anonymous

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